Join a BLIS Zoom Class

CAUTION! : If you do not participate with your real name,teacher will not admit.

ES students can access their meeting links from the shared course schedule.Click on the link and follow the steps below.

MS and HS students can access meeting links on the K12net website.

You can see the sample screenshot below. Click on the headphone icon or the “Online Meeting” link and follow the steps below.

Participate in a meeting by using a meeting link


Click the link that the school provided you or that you received in your schedule


If the zoom application is installed, a window like the one below will appear.Otherwise download and run Zoom.

When system dialog prompts, click Open link.

Wait for your teacher to admit you for the lesson.

Participate in a meeting by using a meeting ID


Open your Zoom client and click the blue Join a meeting button.


Enter the meeting ID number and your real full name.

Then click Join.

Wait for your teacher to admit you for the lesson.