Distance Education at BLIS

Like many schools around the globe, we at BLIS have decided to continue our programmes using remote instruction tools, namely video conferencing and distance education tools.

We are fortunate to have a distance education platform, Moodle, already in use, and we will continue to provide user support and encourage innovative teaching using the tools it provides. Now we also have Zoom, a tool for meeting face-to-face in virtual classrooms. While nothing is a complete substitute for real-world classroom contact, Zoom provides the nearest thing to it

Zoom as a “Remote Instruction” Tool

BLIS chose Zoom as the tool to continue teaching in these hard times. Zoom is a commercial video conferencing tool which can be used on all hardware platforms; i.e. Windows, Linux, Android tablets, iPhones, iPads, smart phones

What do I need to use Zoom (requirements)?

To host and participate in zoom meetings, you will need:

  • a laptop, desktop, smart phone or tablet (processor min. 1 GHz);

  • a web cam;

  • headphones (or speakers);

  • a reasonably high bandwidth Internet connection (4G, ADSL will do);

  • Zoom app/software installed on your device;